437 mission:
Our intention in 2022 is to take meaningful steps toward sustainability. Manufacturing is one of the most wasteful industries and one of the number one contributors to landfill waste. We know fashion can never be impact free, but we will do our best to align ourselves with better practices by reducing waste and giving value to the community and environment that build our products. Starting from the development process to the products you wear, we are dedicated in streamlining our production process. Our goals are aligned with consciousness in avoiding over producing and the use of more environmentally sustainable materials. This is a learning process for us, we are dedicated to a mindful strategy toward sustainability with the help of the 437 community.
Please reach out to with any comments/concerns/ideas, we want to hear from you!
Our active fabric is custom made from post industrial and fabric waste. Our activewear suppliers are Oeko-Tex certified…meaning yarns, trims, printing are guaranteed to be traceable of no harmful substances. The fabric dyeing process mandates lower water ratio and lower carbon emissions. Finishing machine are powered by natural gas instead of coal which improves efficiency and can emit around 50% less CO2 than coal.
Since swim styles fabric consumption is so small, it is a larger task to take on while we ensure we do not over produce. Since fabric MOQ does not change depending on the size of your garment, we have to be strategic on where we can meet the minimums for our current customer base. Later this year our core collection will be available in recycled materials. More details will be shared on the recycling and sustainability efforts closer to our launch date.
Wherever possible we will make efforts to reduce packaging needs. Our garments do need protection in transit to avoid further landfill waste in case our packages get damaged in transit and handling in our warehouse. Each garment will remain packaged in our signature polybags to protect your items while they travel to you. Our polybags are made from recycled plastic and have great upcycle use for your own personal travel/organizational needs. In 2022 we will reduce plastic consumption of these bags by 50% by modifying the design and using 100% post consumer waste plastic. Our signature tote/duffle bags will be produced at more limited quantity and will now be manufactured using GOTS approved materials, dyes and factories. This manufacturing protocol is safer for our factory workers, and guarantees all yarn production is free of harmful chemicals. Water use in this fabric production process is filtered and recycled back into the next production cycle! Any water put back into the environment is filtered before expulsion.
Through our sustainability efforts we are committed to placing this same importance internally for our team. Starting with better processes to streamline our team’s efforts and a support system built for every individual’s growth. The team is actively working toward carbon footprint offsetting as more areas of our business become sustainable.