Spring is the season of rejuvenation and rebirth; it’s the time to cleanse your aura of any negative energy and welcome new opportunities. With that being said, we know how hard it can be to let go of negativity especially when life has been incredibly tumultuous. We know that as exciting as the Spring/Summer season is, it can also be marked by unwanted pressure to look, act or be a certain way. While we think that you are all incredible individuals, we understand how difficult it is to release toxic energy all at once. We want to help you mitigate some of those negative feelings. Here are some of our top self-care tips for feeling more energized this season...

1)Romanticize your life. We know this sounds strange, but it works. Romanticizing your life is all about creating space for self-love. Small things like buying yourself flowers, taking a soothing bath, treating yourself to a full self-care day, indulging in your favourite foods (guilt-free), meditating/journaling, etc., can be a huge mood booster! Here at 437 we believe it’s incredibly important to shower yourself with adoration. Sometimes all you need to feel energized is a full day or two of reminding yourself that you’re worthy of receiving all the best things in life.

2) Surround yourself with the right people. Pay attention to who you’re around when you feel like your best and happiest self. Surrounding yourself with people who make you feel whole and who encourage you often is key to improving your overall outlook. If everyone around you is uplifting and encouraging, this positive energy will wash over you too!

3) Do a social media cleanse. While socials like Instagram can be a great source of inspiration and entertainment, it can also be a source of stress for many. It’s easy to compare someone’s curated online life to your real life only to feel like you’re falling short. We’ve made it a habit to follow and engage with profiles/brands that make us feel uplifted! Be mindful of the content you’re consuming every day and make changes where you feel it’s needed.

4) Get out of the house! Now that the weather is finally getting nicer, we suggest spending at least 30 minutes outside a day. Not only is it a nice change to a routine, but soaking up some Vitamin D is a proven way to give yourself a nice little boost for the day.

5) Move your body. Now we don’t expect you to do a full HIIT workout, but we do encourage a bit of movement each day! Whether you take a short 20 minute walk, stretch for 5-10 minutes during the work day or do yoga at the end of the night, it’s really important to show your body some love with a bit of activity!

There are so many ways to show yourself love and grace this season. Whether you decide to take some or all of our tips, we want to remind you that you are deserving of great things this season! Make sure to shower yourself with all of the love that you and your body need!