Have you ever been out shopping, bought a bunch of things, and then returned home only to realize you already had everything you needed?
No? Just Us? Okay.
Maybe this is just our semi-cute way of letting you know that we discovered we still had tons of our signature luxe packaging in another section of our warehouse. Oops!

We want to transition to a reusable tote bag for future packing but it’s important to us that we use up everything we already have. So starting April 1st, 2020 at 8am, all orders placed with regular packaging will be coming in our luxe packaging instead of the tote bags until we run out!
Currently, we have three different styles of our luxe packaging leftover: the chic signature box, our gorgeous sunset Daydream box, and of course our playful Flora box. It’ll be a bit of a Russian Roulette as you won’t know what colour you’re going to get until it arrives. The good news is, all three boxes are sturdy and stylish and great for storage! You won’t be disappointed no matter what you get!*
*disclaimer: once these boxes are used up, we will be going back to our new tote bags for future packaging! Please note that the ‘less packaging’ option is an option we provide to customers in order to help them decrease their environmental impact by only shipping the product in a polymailer.