It’s no surprise that the Kenzie set is a crowd favourite swimsuit for 437. But what if we told you that you could actually meet the inspiration behind your favourite swimsuit?
Well, you’re in luck.
Our very own Director of Operations, Kenzie, is the muse behind the crowd favourite staple. We had the opportunity to sit down with Kenz and talk about all things 437, work, and lifestyle. We hope you love her as much as we do.
Hi everyone, my name is Mackenzie “Kenz/Kenzie” and I am the Director of Operations for 437. I have been with the company for 3 years now (started in January of 2019) and it’s been so amazing to see how we’ve grown over the years!
437: We absolutely love having you on the 437 team. Do you mind telling us a little bit about how you heard of 437?
Kenz: Honestly it’s such a whirlwind to think about. I have been really good friends with Hyla and Adrien* since our time at Queen’s University. I lived with them at 437 Johnson in their final year when they decided to start the brand. I remember helping them with the pop-up shop that was in their house. I’ve been there throughout all of the highs and lows.
437: How did you get started working for the company? I know we’re all dying to know how you got a suit named after you.
K: Prior to January 2019, I was working for a different company and it wasn’t the right fit for me. I needed something that would give me more freedom and allow me to grow. When Hyla and Adrien were looking to expand the company, I had the opportunity to apply and the rest is history!
As for the suit, Hyla and Adrien told me in 4th year that they wanted to name a suit after me. Fun fact the first few suits are all named after one of their closest friends. It’s such an honour to have something named after me; especially one that’s as popular as the Kenzie suit [laughs].

437: We love that you’re working with the company and LOVE the Kenzie suit. Tell us a little bit about what you do as Director of Operations.
K: As Director of Operations, I focus mainly on the back end of the company. Overseeing the Customer Service Department, optimizing the user experience on the website, ensuring all of our products make it to the fulfillment centre and then organizing inventory within the fulfillment centre.
437: What does your average day look like and how do you stay organized?
K: It's busy but I love that I have the opportunity to figure out how to improve things for the future of the company. On an average day, I start working at 9am. The first thing I do is go through all of my emails. I feel like I get 200 emails a day so I have to answer them as soon as I wake up otherwise it drives me nuts.
Then after that I typically make a game plan of what I need to get done. I usually have about 2-3 meetings a day. By 9:30am, I run our operations meeting where I give updates and we work as a team to solve any outstanding issues/concerns we may have. Later in the day I usually have a directors meeting with the CEOs and the other department heads. Then, there are usually other meetings with other team members or outside partners that I attend.
437: Wow it sounds so busy on the back end. What’s your favourite part of working for 437?
K: It is really busy but I love that I always have the opportunity to make an impact. It’s always so exciting to see how loyal our customers are. Knowing that I have the ability to help shape their experience with the brand and ultimately with themselves, is such an honour.

437: We love that you are feeling so inspired working here. Now that we’ve gotten some idea of what your work-life, we’d love to learn more about your personal life.
Kenzie: Sounds good to me!
437: To start off, what’s your favourite drop that we’ve done so far?
K:: I’d have to say that the Happy Hour collection is my favourite drop. We literally pulled that collection out thin air and it’s the cutest colour, pattern and style. I’m personally a huge fan of The Tunic and I love that we changed the sizing for The Sarong/Valencia so that more people can enjoy it!
437: Happy Hour is one of our favourites too. How about your favourite staple swimsuit?
K: Anyone who knows me knows my all time favourite is the Sanders top and the Kenzie bottoms. It fits perfectly, it’s perfect for tanning, and the best for pictures in my opinion.

437: Okay okay no more 437 related stuff we promise. Let’s talk more about YOU. What’s your sign and your birthday
K: I was born in February and I’m an Aquarius!
437: Okay we have to ask.. You work at a swimsuit company but you’re a winter baby. Do you consider yourself more of a summer or winter person?

Kenzie: I actually hate the winter [laughs]. I’m a summer girl all the way. Honestly if it were up to me, I’d only spend Christmas in Canada and then I’d be in Mexico or somewhere else warm for the remainder of the winter.
437: Well we’re pretty biased, but Summer is the ultimate season. What’s your favourite Summer activity?
K: I live in a small town and it’s on Georgian Bay so every year I love to go jumping off the Pier. I’ve done it every year since I was really little.
437: Aw that sounds so fun. You’ll have to take us some time. What are some of your go-to summer staples?
K: I feel like my style isn’t super girly so I love a good workout set to wear. Vaseline and water are my top beauty products. This is also kind of weird, but I have mints with me no matter what. The last thing I have with me all summer would definitely be my film camera. I have like 10 rolls of film that I develop months later!
437: We might take that mint tip to be honest. It’s always good to be prepared. I know you said you aren’t super girly and love a good workout set, but when you do feel like going all out, what’s your go-to hot girl outfit?
K: I love a good pair of jeans. A light wash Levi would be ideal. I usually go for a white top: a tank top or button down that I’ll tie. If I'm feeling really good I love throwing on heels. Very classic.

437: Love. And when you’re wearing your hot girl outfit, where are your favourite places in Toronto to go?
K: I love going to Baro and having a good margarita with my friends. I’m also a huge fan of Soho House and getting my all time fave drink: The Picante!
437: We definitely need to check out both of those places. Do you have a favourite song you’re listening to right now?
K: I’m definitely a huge Partynextdoor fan. Right now I’ve been listening to Believe It by PND and Rihanna. Honestly all the songs on the R&B Spotify playlist keep me going.
I’m also a huge fan of Drake. I’ve always wanted to see him in concert; every time he’s been in Toronto I’ve been somewhere else! Now with COVID who knows when I’ll get to go again. But I really hope I do get to go. On my 10 year plan, one of my goals is to be friends with him.
437: [laughing] If you become friends with Drake please invite us to the hang outs.
K: I definitely will.
437: To circle back to some more summer-related questions, do you prefer going to the beach or the pool with your 437s?
K: Ooh this one is hard. I’d have to say the beach. Sayulita, Mexico is my favourite beach ever. As you know I hate winter and I’ll be spending the rest of my winters there!
437: Honestly we say go where you’re happiest! Do you have any trends that you’re loving at the moment?
K: Just going with your comment on happiness, I love that prioritizing your mental health is considered more “trendy”. I love taking care of myself and doing small things like spending time with my dog Taco (who I actually got in Mexico) as a breather is really important for me.

437: We agree. Mental health is so important. And just before we end off, do you have any quote or piece of advice that’s carrying you through this season?
K: One thing my mom always says: no matter how hard you dance, not everyone is going to clap. This resonates a lot for me. No matter what you’re doing, there will be people who may be haters. Focus on the people that are there for you and want to uplift you.