If there’s one person who deserves a thousand ‘thank you’s” and a massive round of applause, it’s Kaytlyn. She is our E-Commerce and Supply Chain Specialist, and one of the most hard-working and diligent people we know. We spent some time delving into everything from her work experience to her time as a model and her love of skincare. She is an incredibly multifaceted individual and we know you’ll love her as much as we do!
437: Kaytlyn, we are so excited to be interviewing you for our Meet The Team segment. How are you feeling today?
Kaytlyn Ryerson: I’m really excited to do this! Everyone’s interviews have been really interesting so far, I hope people like mine.
437: Of course they will! So first, how long have you been with 437?
K: It’s crazy how quickly time flies. My one year mark is actually this upcoming October!

437: Wow, that's so soon. Can you describe your role to us?
Kaytlyn: My position is interesting because it’s composed of two different parts: E-commerce and Supply Chain. Whenever my family or friends ask what I do I usually give them this more simplified explanation: I get the products from overseas and put them online for our E-commerce website.
437: That’s a great way of explaining that simply, but we know there's more to it. Do you mind elaborating for us?
Basically I help with the organizing and coordinating between our manufacturers, warehouse and E-commerce website. I organize the freight movements with our broker and manufactures and make sure that our products are received by the warehouse. Then, I ensure that quality assurance checks are completed. Once that’s done, I spend time on the E-commerce side of things. This includes updating the website to reflect the new products, inputting images and descriptions, ensuring all of our inventory is on Shopify, and then making sure every item is properly tagged and organized by collection.
437: Do you find it difficult to stay organized?
K: I’d say its pretty manageable. It tends to be busier during major launch periods or sales but I’m good at establishing hard and soft deadlines so I can prioritize.
437: Do you have any tips for how to stay organized?
K: Yes! I’ve started to time block because the last 2 months have been very heavy with logistics and E-commerce. I try to hold myself accountable and set daily goals/tasks so I can compartmentalize the work.

437: What would you say is the most challenging part of your job?
K: I would say it has to be providing accurate timelines for everyone on the team. We of course need our inventory to be able to market, create content and sell but COVID has created tons of unprecedented delays and challenges. I have to make sure I'm getting enough information for myself and the team without making promises about delivery dates.
437: Oh yeah that can definitely be really difficult. We’ve seen first hand how stressful it can be when there are major delays.
K: It's hard because it’s unfortunately out of my control. Now I’ve been trying to create larger buffers to help with potential shipping and delivery delays.
437: You’re really knowledgeable about all of this. How did you get into this field of work?
K: I’ve gotten more skilled over time and I’m always learning. My first job was for the jewellery company Mejuri. I worked there during the earlier years when there were only 4 of us. I was able to be hands on and help support the company in many different ways. One of the main things I focused on was shipping. After Mejuri, I worked for another fashion/retail small business as a customer service representative. I’ve always had similar positions for different small retail companies.
437: Well we are SO happy to have you on our team now. What's your favourite part about working with us?
K: Honestly, I’ve never had a bad day. I love what I do. I haven’t had a day where I didn’t want to work. I also love that you still have a voice in the company. If I ever have an idea for any department, I know I can bring it forward. My ideas are always respected and sometimes they're even implemented!

437: Aw we are so happy you have been having such a great experience with us. We ask everyone so we want to ask you: What’s your favourite staple swim set and your favourite launch?
K: Ahh it’s so hard. I think for Staple Swim I’d have to go with Kenzie x Aubrey II bottoms in the colour black. I think it’s a staple for everyone and it’s very flattering. For my fave drop... hmm... do you mind if I choose two?
437: Yes absolutely.
K: It's definitely between Sweet Nothings and Happy Hour! They’re both cute and sweet but in different ways.
437: We totally agree. We've covered 437 topics so let’s get into our favourite part: learning more about you.
K: Okay I’m ready!
437: You mentioned that you have worked at a few retail and fashion companies. Have you always been interested in the fashion industry?
K: Yes! I have always been passionate about fashion. I actually modelled for a long time; until I was about 23.
437: Whaaat?? Tell us all about your time modelling.
K: [laughs]. It was a really great way to travel and I learned a lot about the industry from a different perspective. When I was 13 I put photos of myself on a model directory and a few agencies reached out wanting me to model for them in Toronto.

437: That’s insane. Have you always wanted to be a model?
K: At that time, it was all I ever wanted! I had always thought I would be a model and I wanted to do it for my entire life. I was obsessed with Vogue, Elle and Teen Vogue.
437: How long did you model for? Anything notable happen while you were modelling?
K: I modelled on and off until I was about 23 years old. I was able to travel to Greece, Turkey and New York City during my first year of university. I ended up ended up leaving university to model full time. Out of all of the places I travelled, New York city was the most difficult because it’s a very competitive marker. I did however live there for about 6 months and it felt like a second home.
437: What made you decide to leave modelling?
K: I got to a point where I wanted to expand and see what else was out there. The modelling industry is difficult. I felt there were other things I could do that would support me better financially, physically and mentally.
437: We totally understand that babe. It's amazing you had that experience and were able to travel so much though. Outside of fashion, what are some of other hobbies?
K: Modelling definitely ignited my love for travelling. When things are more settled with the pandemic, I’d love to travel ALL OVER Italy with my boyfriend, Nick. He’s Italian. In the future, I’d love to rent a little villa and get married there.

Outside of that, I love to read. I’m always reading something. Right now I'm reading Atomic Habit by James Clear [shows book]. I have all of these stickies to make notes on parts I like. Then, I use the stickies and write them down in my journal to reference later.
437: We love that. A wedding in Italy would be a DREAM. And thank you for the book recommendation! Do you have any other activities you love to do in the summer?
K: Mountain Biking is a huge activity of mine. I also love exploring nearby cities. Niagara on the Lake is close to where I grew up so I like to go there when I can. Other than that, I love anything that involved being outside. I'll drink, eat, dance, read... as long as it's outside! [laughs]
437: We feel the exact same. Especially with everything happening right now, staying outside has been so important for us. What’s been your highlight of the Summer?
K: I don’t know if this is corny, but our 437 Anniversary Lunch was my favourite. It was my first time going to Toronto in over a year and I finally got to meet everyone in person!

437: Aww we don’t think that’s corny at all! We all had a great time. Your outfit was also really cute. What would you say is your go-to going-out outfit?
K: Now that I’m 30, I’ve really been trying to switch up my wardrobe.
I’m not a huge dress or skirt person so a good pair of denim jeans are a must. To me, any outfit is 10/10 if the jeans are flattering.
437: A good pair of jeans can transform an outfit. Do you have any other products you can't live without?
K: I love sports bras and I have tons of perfume. Another necessity for me is my [whispers] eyebrow pencil. I will NOT leave the house without my brows done.
Oh and my skincare products! I’ve been really getting into skincare since my 30th birthday and I've been growing my skincare collection.

437: It seems like skin care is a big part of self-care for you. What are some of your favourite products and do you have other self-care routines?
K: Ahh this is so hard to say because I’ve definitely fallen off of my self care routine. But when I do practice, I find that starting my day earlier helps. I love going for nice little runs or walks near the water to de-stress.
As for my fave products, I love my nighttime routine.
I use my toner from Versed or the Cocokind Oil to Milk Cleanser because I have dry skin. Then I follow with Kiehl's Rejuvenating Facial Essence. After that, I use my Cocokind Matcha Stick or Olay Retinol moisturizer. I finish my layering my favourite skin oils.
437: Love your entire routine!Are you more of a night-in or a night-out sort of girl?
K: I’m both. For a night in, I love cuddling with my boyfriend Nick and watching movies. I have a million candles so I light those a lot.
For a night out, I love going to different restaurants for food and drinks. My favourite drink is either a spicy tequila cocktail OR a grapefruit and basil cocktail!

437: And finally, what is the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?
K: Hmm.. I guess it’s not really advice but it’s more of something I try to do. I’ve been very lucky to work with people who I find to be very motivating. I think that when you see somebody who is a good leader, has emotional intelligence, is down to earth and can communicate well, emulate that. I strive to be the type of person that is determined but also warm and welcoming.