Meet The Team: Juliana, Customer Service Lead

Meet The Team: Juliana, Customer Service Lead

There is no person that we think is more dedicated to our customers than our Customer Service Lead, Juliana. If you’ve ever emailed us ( there’s a pretty strong chance you’ve coordinated with her. For two years Juliana, ‘Jules’, has been working incredibly hard to provide you with the best service possible and we think it’s time you finally get to meet the girl behind the emails.

I found out about 437 through social media and absolutely loved it. When I first started in January 2019, I worked as a customer service intern for the company. I was going to school in Toronto full-time and working at another place part time so I found it hard to meet other people. Working at 437 gave me the opportunity to meet so many new people and I was able to meet some of my best friends through the company! 

437: We love that you were able to meet so many great people working with us. Tell us a little bit of what your day to day looks like as the Customer Service Lead.

J: Depending on whether or not we have drops, sales or promotions, my day to day can look a little bit different. For the most part I do wear a few different hats throughout the day. My main responsibility is to ensure that all emails, Instagram DMs/comments, and chats are answered. I work to update our new policies & procedures, process returns, file claims for lost/missing parcels and try to lend a hand to other departments when they may need me!

437: Wow this all sounds like tons of work. How many emails would you say that you answer a day?

J: It honestly depends on the day. For high influx periods we may get anywhere from 300+ emails. Otherwise, it typically depends on the season and the day.

437: What would you say is your favourite part and most challenging part of working in Customer Service?

J: It sounds really cliche but I genuinely love working with the customers. I love knowing that I can transform a bad experience into a good one.

As for the most challenging, I’d say the risk management side of things is the hardest. When we’re coordinating with other departments, we have to think of solutions that haven't even happened yet.

437: Since working for 437, how have you changed as a person? Have you learned any important lessons?

J: In addition to giving me some really amazing friends, 437 has given me a lot of confidence in the work-place. I think it’s really easy in other companies to feel nervous about speaking up but 437 is really supportive place. I’ve been provided with a safe environment to share my ideas and opinions and I know that they will always be respected.

In terms of important lessons, I’d say that working remotely because of COVID has taught me the importance of communication. When you’re in an office with all of your coworkers, it’s a lot easier to communicate face to face. But working from home and spending most of your time coordinating over Slack has really shown me how important it is to make sure the way I talk isn’t misinterpreted.

437: We totally agree Jules. Working from home has definitely brought some challenges, but we think our team does a pretty good job of communicating overall! 

J: I totally agree! I think we’re all really good at making sure we speak to each other with kindness and respect no matter what.

437: Since you’ve been with the company for over 2 years now, you’ve been a part of so many different collections. What would you say is your favourite collection? 

J: Daydream will always have a special place in my heart. Not only were the colours and the silhouettes gorgeous but we dropped it right as the world shut down because of COVID. We honestly weren’t even sure how well it would sell. But, when we dropped it, the collection was so well received. I think the collection really made people feel good during an uncertain time.

437: Daydream was one of our faves too! And you know we gotta ask.. What’s your favourite staple swim set?

J: Hands down the Sanders Set in Espresso. I love wearing it with The Tunic or the OG Haven/Spencer Shirts from our older collections for a cute effortless look.

437: We love seeing how you style all of our pieces babe. Have you always wanted to work in the fashion industry?

J: Actually not really. I danced competitively pretty much my entire life and I wanted to be a professional dancer originally. Actually, the whole reason I went to university in Toronto was so that I could be downtown for dance.

437: Wow, that's so cool. How long have you been dancing for and do you still dance?

J: I started dancing when I was about 2 years old and I did the whole competitive dance route. Once I got to Ryerson, I started studying Environmental Science which I fell in love with and started dancing a bit less. I still love to dance, but I’d say I do it more on the side.

437: You’ll definitely have to share some old dance videos with us! Tell us a little bit more about your degree. Did you enjoy studying that at school?

J: I loved my program. I learned a lot about sustainability, urban planning and development. It’s definitely something I’d love to bring to 437 as I’ve gotten more interested in sustainable fashion!

437: We love that babe! As you know we have some big things coming over the coming seasons so we can’t wait to see how you contribute to that!!

Other than dance, do you have any other hobbies that you love doing?

J: Since I haven’t been dancing as much, I’d say that I’ve really gotten into wellness and working out overall. Other than that - and trust me I know this is going to sound a little lame - but I love needlepoint. I wanted to do something during the quarantine that wasn’t watching TV or Netflix and I found it really calming.

437: That’s not lame at all. I’m sure it’s really relaxing to do! How did you get into it?

J: I used to crochet, knit and sew with my grandmother so needlepoint is pretty similar. I’m pretty good at it if I have something to trace. Since I live in DT Toronto, taking some time to just chill is really important for me.

437: We totally agree. Toronto can be hectic sometimes. Would you say that you are of a city, country or suburban girl?

J: Right now, I love living in Toronto. I currently live downtown with my boyfriend of 8 years. I’ve always been more of a city girl because I like being able to walk everywhere and try out new places! But I do also love being able to get out of the city from time to time.

437: Can you describe what your perfect day in the city is?

J: I love a lazy Sunday in Toronto. On an ideal day, I would go to White Lily Diner for brunch with my friends or my boyfriend. Then after that I’d grab a coffee and go for a walk on the East end to do some shopping. To end the day I’d go down to the boardwalk to watch the sunset and get home in enough time to chill and watch Love Island with Calvin (my boyfriend).

437: That sounds like such a great day! Would you say that you’re more of a staying in or going out sort of girl?

J: Traditionally I'm more of a stay-at-home person. I do really like being in my apartment with my boyfriend and two cats. I also have tons of plants that make my space really cozy.

However, I’m really trying to get out of my comfort zone and do a little bit more. Whenever plans are in the works I’ve been trying to commit to them fully especially since we’ve been stuck in the house for so many months.

437: We totally get that Jules. Staying at home can be really nice but sometimes getting out is needed. What would you say your ideal going out and staying in outfits are?

J:  For a night out, If I’m going for drinks with my friends, I love baggy low-rise pants with a little top and a pair of heels to balance out the bagginess. 

For a night in, just a pair of my boyfriend’s boxer shorts and an oversized t-shirt. After 8 years together silk robes are just not a thing [laughs].

437: Since you mentioned your cats and plants. Tell us a little bit about them!

J: [huge smile]. I honestly love my cats so much. They’re basically like my little children. Their names are Mikasa and Levi; we [my boyfriend and I] named them after our favourite anime Attack on Titan. We got Mika first and she’s a British Shorthair. She’s crazy so we tried to balance her out a bit when we adopted Levi but he turned out to be the laziest cat ever so she’s still a little sassy.

For my plants, I’m a huge plant mom. I can’t really remember how I got into plants, but I have over 30 of them now. My favourite plant is my Monstera, Penelope. Honestly I think plants are so soothing and you feel like such a proud parent when they get a new leaf!

437: Honestly we’ve noticed that so many people got pets or plants during COVID. They are such a great form of self-care. What does self-care mean to you?

J: I think we’ve all begun prioritizing self-care a lot more since the pandemic began. To me, Self care is all about putting yourself and well-being first. I’m always trying to make sure that everything from my mental to physical and emotional health is taken care of.

437: What ways do you practice self-care? 

J: Working out is a big form of self care for me. I find that if I’m in a bad mood or stressed, doing a quick workout really helps. Other than that, I spend a lot of time with my pets and friends. I’ve been getting more into skincare and I LOVE anything with Seabuckthorn oil in it.  I also love going to the beach or walking along the boardwalk outside!

437: These are all great tips. And as you know we love spending time at the beach. If you could go to any beach in the world right now, where would you go?
J: I’d be back in Portugal in a heartbeat.  I’m Portuguese and I think they have the BEST beaches in the world. Actually before COVID, I would try to go back every summer since I have family there.

437: That’s definitely on our hit list of places to go. Do you have food recommendations if any of us end up travelling there?

J: Honestly I just think everyone should try squid or octopus when in Portugal. I also love pasteis de nata; they’re these really delicious custard tarts. My tip is to warm them up in the microwave for 5 seconds and add cinnamon sugar to them.

437: Love it. Do you have any staple products that you always bring with you when travelling?

J: I’d say I bring the same things as anyone else travelling. But I do have 2 gold necklaces from my grandmother that I’ve never taken off. I’ve been wearing them straight for the past 4 years and they go with everything. Other than that, I love a good pair of Nikes.
Juliana in the The Joan top size S

437: As much as we’d love to continue talking, we know it’s time to wrap up. To end, what is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

J: Hmm the best piece of advice I’ve ever received is: If it’s not going to matter in 5 years, don’t stress for more than 5 minutes. I’m definitely a very anxious worrier and the small things can really get to me. I’ve been learning that if it’s not a big deal in the long term, it’s not worth the stress in the short term.